Align Your Teeth Perfectly With Invisalign
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Align Your Teeth Perfectly With Invisalign

Invisalign, or clear braces, are the latest innovation in the field of dentistry. They do not have any colour, and are made in the shape of your teeth. They have become very popular, as they are completely invisible and nearly painless. Unlike conventional methods, they can be easily worn and the perfect smile can be achieved effortlessly.

Invisalign and What They Are

Invislign is a set of aligners that are custom made according to your needs. The aligners are replaced one after the other until the desired straightening is achieved. With Invisalign, you can even get a 3D treatment plan, and you can see how your teeth will look when the treatment is completed.

Advantages of Invisalign

The main advantage of this alignment system is its invisible appearance. When you are wearing them, no one will notice it as they are clear and nearly invisible. Also, they are specially made for your teeth. The absence of metal and rubber bands make them more comfortable to wear than traditional braces. This means, no more pain and bruises inside your mouth. They are also removable, which makes it easier for you to eat and drink. This, will in turn, ensure better hygiene. Moreover, the effectiveness of the treatment has been scientifically proven.

Invisalign Clear Braces and Healthy Gums

Invisalign clear braces are nearly invisible when worn, removable, and discreet. The Invisalign system provides patients with a series of trays called aligners that will work to gradually straighten teeth. And straighter teeth mean healthier gums. Straight teeth are essential for maintaining good overall oral health because they allow fewer spaces for pieces of food to get trapped. Teeth with wide gaps, by contrast, gather food by the bundles. These piece of food get pushed into the gums at the base of the teeth. Once there, the food particles are removed only by vigorous flossing-a habit few adults and even fewer children practice. This food buildup can spawn microscopic bacteria within as little as 48 hours. Once the bacteria is formed, plaque is free to grow and destroy the enamel of the teeth. Further, studies show that the bacteria itself can penetrate the gums and cause other problems including heart disease (i).

Invisalign clear braces are a discreet and comfortable way to straighten teeth without compromising the appearance of your natural smile. Invisalign works without the use of wires and metal brackets, freeing patients to smile as often as they would like without feeling self conscious or anxious. In the long run, proactively straightening your teeth can improve your oral hygiene and overall health. More at Premiere Orthodontics.


2100 Solar Dr, Suite 200
Oxnard, CA 93036
Tel: 805-205-9276
Fax: 805-981-7050


5565 Carpinteria Avenue, Suite 26
Carpinteria, CA 93013
Tel: 805-758-6756
Fax: 805-566-0303


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